Dog owners should correctly understand how much food should I feed my dog ​​and provide the right amount of dog feeding.
greyhound dog eating food

How Much Food Should I Feed My Dog?

It is important to feed your dog correctly! Dog owners should correctly understand how much food should I feed my dog ​​and provide the right amount of dog feeding.

greyhound dog eating food

New dog owners always fall into feeding misunderstandings. How much food should I feed my dog? How many times a day should I feed my dog? And how do I need to mix up my dog’s diet to get more nutrition?

As a dog owner, it is crucial to ensure that your dog gets enough and the right amount of food. A proper diet not only helps its health, but also affects its energy level, coat condition and overall well-being.

However, the correct amount of food varies depending on the dog’s size, age, activity level and health status. Today, we will explore how to determine how much food you should feed your dog and involve the appropriate amount of homemade food, dry food and wet food.

It is important to feed your dog correctly! Underfeeding can lead to low energy levels, poor immune function and other problems, but overfeeding can cause pet obesity. Overweight or obese dogs increase health problems: such as joint diseases, breathing difficulties, heart problems, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, Cushing’s disease, skin problems, multiple cancers, reduced quality of life, shortened lifespan, etc.

Before you start feeding your dog the right food, you need to know the complete information about your dog, size, age, activity level, health status, and reproductive status. You also need to pay attention to the energy density of the food you provide, and try to give your dog less high-calorie food.

  • Size: The food needs of large and small dogs vary greatly. Large dogs need more calories and nutrients, while small dogs eat less.
  • Age: The needs of puppies, adult dogs, and senior dogs are different. Puppies need more protein and energy to support growth and development, while senior dogs need low-calorie, easily digestible food.
  • Activity level: Active dogs need more food than those who are lazy or rest more. For example, working dogs, sports dogs, and breeds that play a lot need more calories.
  • Health status: If your dog has obesity, diabetes, or other health problems, the amount of food or the type of food you eat may need to be adjusted.
  • Reproductive status: Spayed dogs require fewer calories than intact dogs. If your female dog is pregnant or nursing, she needs to eat more food to feed herself and her pups.

Many dog ​​owners like to prepare homemade food for their dogs because they can better control the quality of the ingredients and the freshness of the food. The amount of homemade food to be fed needs to be adjusted according to the types of ingredients and the weight of the dog.

Proportion recommendation: Homemade food is usually composed of protein (such as chicken, beef, fish), vegetables (such as carrots, pumpkin) and carbohydrates (such as rice, sweet potatoes). Generally speaking, a dog’s daily diet should consist of 40-50% protein, 20-30% vegetables, and 20-30% carbohydrates.

Feeding amount: As a reference, usually the amount of food a dog eats per day should be 2%-3% of its body weight. For example, a 5 kg small dog needs about 100-150 grams of homemade food per day. If you are not sure whether the food you make is balanced, you can ask a veterinarian or a professional pet nutritionist for help.

Dogs eat cooked food

There are two common commercial dog foods on the market: dry food (dry dog ​​food, kibble) and wet food (canned dog food). Both types of food have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they can be fed in different amounts.

Dry food: Dry food is usually easier to store and feed, and it helps clean your dog’s teeth. Generally, you feed less dry food than wet food because dry food has a lower water content and a higher caloric density. Most dog food packaging will indicate the appropriate feeding amount for dogs of different sizes, weights, and ages. For example, for a small dog weighing 5 kg, the recommended amount of dry food may be 60-100 grams per day.

Wet food: Wet food has a high water content and usually requires larger portions to meet your dog’s caloric needs. If you choose wet food, you can feed it according to the recommended amount on the packaging. Typically, for a small dog weighing 5 kg, the daily recommended amount of wet food may be between 150-200 grams.

Mixing dry food with wet food: Some dog owners choose to mix dry food with wet food to provide more taste and richer nutrition. If you choose this method, make sure to adjust the total amount of food in proportion to avoid overfeeding.

dokoo pet automatic feeder

Learn More: Maximize Portion Control with Automatic Large Pet Feeder for Dogs

Dogs of different ages and sizes have different dietary and nutritional requirements. When feeding dogs, you should start from reality and provide the correct amount of food.

Puppies and small and medium-sized dogs

Feeding puppies and small and medium-sized dogs is more complicated. In their infancy, they need additional calories, protein and other nutrients to promote growth.

For small and medium-sized dogs, they will grow rapidly in the first 18 months, and the amount of food they need each day will also vary. Therefore, dog owners need to observe the dog’s condition regularly, check the puppy’s current weight and age, and determine how much dog food to feed the dog.

Puppies: Small breed puppies need more energy and protein to support rapid growth. Generally, the amount of food a puppy eats per day is about 10%-15% of its body weight. For example, a small breed puppy weighing about 3 kg eats about 90-120 grams of food per day.

Puppies and small and medium-sized dogs

Puppy Feeding Chart

Weight RangeFeeding Amount Per Day: 1–3 Months OldFeeding Amount Per Day: 3–5 Months OldFeeding Amount Per Day: 5–7 Months OldFeeding Amount Per Day: 7–12 Months Old
Up to 5 pounds½–1 cup½–¾ cup¼–½ cup¼–½ cup
6–10 pounds1–1½ cups¾–1 cup½–1 cup½–¾ cup
11–20 pounds1½–2½ cups1–1¾ cups1–1½ cups¾–1¼ cups
21–40 pounds2½–4¼ cups1¾–3 cups1½–2½ cups1¼–2¼ cups
41–60 pounds4¼–5¾ cups3–4 cups2½–3½ cups2¼–3 cups

Small dogs (weighing about 1-10 kg) usually need less food, but their basal metabolic rate is higher, so they need higher quality food.

Adult and Senior Dogs

The amount of food consumed by an adult dog is usually relatively stable, while the dietary needs of a senior dog may change. As dogs age, their basal metabolic rate decreases and their activity level decreases, so they may need less food.

Adult Dogs: The amount of food consumed by an adult small dog is roughly 2%-3% of their body weight. For example, a 10 kg adult dog needs 200-300 grams of food per day. If it is a working or sports dog with a high level of activity, it may need more food.

adult dogs

Adult Dog Feeding Chart

Weight RangeFeeding Amount Per Day
3–12 pounds½–1¼ cup
13–20 pounds1¼–1⅔ cups
21–35 pounds1⅔–2⅓ cups
36–50 pounds2⅓–3 cups
51–75 pounds3–3¾ cups
76–100 pounds4–4⅔ cups
Over 100 pounds4⅔ cups, plus ⅓ cup for each 10 pounds of body weight over 100 pounds

Senior Dogs: Small elderly dogs are usually less active, so their caloric needs decrease. Typically, the amount of food consumed by a senior dog is 10%-20% less than that of an adult dog. For a 10 kg senior dog, the daily amount of food consumed is about 180-250 grams.

Senior Dogs

Senior Dog Feeding Chart

Weight RangeFeeding Amount Per Day
18–23 pounds1–1⅓ cups
24–45 pounds1⅓–2¼ cups
46–65 pounds2⅓–3 cups
66–85 pounds3–3⅔ cups
86–105 pounds3¾–4⅓ cups
106–125 pounds4⅓–4 ¾ cups
Dogs over 125 poundsAdd ¼ cup per additional 10 pounds

For pregnant and lactating female dogs, dog owners need to provide more attentive care, prepare nutritious but light homemade food, and increase nutritional supplements so that the mother dog can better take care of herself and her children.

Overfeeding is one of the main causes of obesity in dogs. Obesity not only makes dogs feel uncomfortable, but it can also cause a series of health problems, such as joint disease, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Make sure you feed the right amount according to the size and health status of your dog.

Control the number of snacks: Many dog ​​owners will give their dogs snacks when training or pampering, but the intake of snacks should also be controlled. Try to choose healthy snacks with low calories, and avoid letting snacks occupy more than 30% of your dog’s daily calories.

Follow the principles of a healthy diet: Choose high-quality dog ​​food for your dog, avoiding too many additives, sugars and artificial ingredients. High-quality protein, healthy fats and a moderate amount of fiber can ensure the long-term health of your dog.

Choose an automatic feeder: Regular eating habits are more friendly to the dog’s stomach. Automatic feeders give dog owners peace of mind by setting the daily feeding amount and the number of daily feedings. This avoids overfeeding caused by random feeding.

Dokoo Large Pet Feeder

Keep your dog regular feeding and healthier habits!

Dogs eating properly can avoid many health problems, such as malnutrition and excessive obesity. Feeding the right amount of food is essential for the health and quality of life of dogs.

  • Weight control: You can weigh your dog regularly to make sure he maintains a healthy weight. If he is underweight or overweight, he may not be eating the right amount.
  • Rib inspection: You should be able to feel your dog’s ribs easily, but they should not be too prominent. If they are very prominent, you may need to increase the amount of food; if you can’t feel them, you may need to reduce the amount of food.
  • Mental state: If your dog always seems tired, has a poor appetite, or is unusually agitated, it may be a sign that there is something wrong with his diet.

Although you can use the above guidelines to estimate your dog’s food intake, the best way is to take your dog to the veterinarian for regular checkups. Your veterinarian can help you adjust the diet based on your dog’s health, age, weight, and activity level.

dog food

Feeding your dog is a responsibility and an art. The right amount of food can help your dog maintain a healthy weight, be energetic, and reduce health problems. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all diet, and you need to tailor the diet to your dog’s individual needs. Whether it’s homemade food, dry food, wet food, or adjusting the amount of food based on your dog’s age and size, make sure you are providing the best diet for your dog. If you have any concerns, it is always wise to consult your veterinarian.

By understanding your dog’s basic needs and choosing the right food, you can ensure he is healthy and happy and that he can spend every day with you!

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